Top Ten Late Payment Excuses

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With Christmas fast approaching, it’s that time of year when company’s and individuals tend to “slack” on the due dates of payments.

Below are the top ten late payment excuses that DRA have come across:

10. No funds available

9.  Referred to a senior accountant to review

8. Accounts Department on lunch/busy

7.   Thought it was due on a different date

6. Dispute in a payment despite having had the payment explained and previously accepted

5. Invoice was lost

4. No reminder received

3. “Forgot” to make the post

2. Cheque is in the post

1. We have control payments that are only authorized on set days per month

If you find that these are regular comments from your clients, please contact DRA on 1300 799 511 to discuss further.


2 Comments on “Top Ten Late Payment Excuses

  1. My ex business partner bought my 50% share of our previous Brisbane based business . He has paid some money but is now reluctant to pay the balance.
    An agreement was drawn up by our accountant and agreed to by us.
    He still owes me approximately $ 200,000.00 . I know he has a bank account with $ 140,000.00 sitting there.
    Can you assist with this ?

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