Laugh at Your Receivable Worries with Debtor Daddy
Hi, my name is Adam Stewart, Debt Collection Expert and owner of Debt Recoveries Australia.
As I have discussed in my previous blogs, it is important to have a good system for debt collection. But if you have an automated system or application than can follow up outstanding invoices, then this will minimise bad debts in the future.
I am always happy to recommend other applications that can complement our role as an outsourced debt collector. One of these is Debtor Daddy. If you want less stress in handling accounts receivable internally, I recommend Debtor Daddy. Credit managers and debt collection professionals will find Debtor Daddy useful because it can make your collection efforts easy. Very beneficial for SMEs and any companies, large or small, because it’s really easy to use.
Debtor Daddy is an automated invoice reminder that keeps track of your invoices and reminds your customers to pay. This is great if you have a lot of customers who are slow to pay. Debtor Daddy sends timely emails to your customers, which you can customise yourself.
Debtor Daddy can be integrated with your accounting software. It does a daily sync for easy track of what’s paid and what’s not. All you need to do reconcile your bank accounts and Debtor Daddy does the rest.
Debtor Daddy is customizable per customer and invoice details. You can customize your reminders to show the invoice details you want, including payment terms and payment options to remove any roadblocks to getting paid. You can even tailor your reminders per customer – friendly, firm or even funny.
You can still use Debtor Daddy even if you already have a debt collection agency. Together, they can help you monitor your receivables better – Debtor Daddy helps you remind payments online, while your debt collection agency may help you do a follow up through calls. The integration will surely lessen bad debts.
Here’s their website Debtor Daddy at
Another business, doing exactly the same thing, but only been around for about a year, is Chaser.
I have met with David Tuck, founder of Chaser and I am very impressed with his setup. Their website is . Take your pick.
If you would still prefer to talk to a debt collection agency to help you on your receivables, e-mail me at or call 1300 799 511. You may also Skype me at debtrecoveries.