Your One Stop Shop for Recovery and Legal Needs
Our services are aimed at maximising recoveries and speed of collections while being responsive to out client’s individual needs and cost effective.
DRA’s collection practises include regular telephone calls and emails, rather than letters. Within 24 hours of receiving your account referral, DRA will attempt to make contact with the customer. As the nature of the debt may include duel calls or skip tracing, we will take the necessary steps to locate and contact the customer as each matter dictates.
We will always strive to collect 100% of the debt. Payment in full is the priority of our debt recovery specialists. A negotiated commission charge will be payable on the dollar amount of debt recovered, based on the nature and age of the debts. There are no other fees or charges, making your accounting and invoicing easier.
If the debtor cannot afford to pay the outstanding amount, they must then complete a comprehensive financial questionnaire in order for us to ascertain their financial status. It may then be necessary to offer the debtor alternative payment options such as a reduced lump sum or a suitable repayment plan.
If legal action is desired or required against a debtor, DRA can refer the case to our integrated law firm, ADC Legal.