Debt Recoveries Australia is National Winner of the 2015 Australian Achiever Award for Australia’s Finance & Insurance Services
Hi, my name is Adam Stewart, Debt Collection Expert and owner of Debt Recoveries Australia. This week, allow me to veer away from debt collection tips to give you a very good news.
Debt Recoveries Australia (DRA) is hailed as National Winner of the 2015 Australian Achiever Award for Australia’s Finance & Insurance Services! DRA achieved an impressive 99.68% score for our customer relations and service. According to Australian Achiever Awards, this is an outstanding result at a level very few achieve. Furthermore, it shows that we are putting maximum effort into a quality customer service strategy.
The Australian Achiever Awards measures, recognises and rewards the success of customer service delivery. Since 1998, their process has successfully helped businesses across Australia to measure and improve their customer service focus. The award-giving body goes directly to the nominated customers for their confidential input and feedback.
As we proudly show our winner’s badge in the next coming weeks, do know that this would not be possible if not for you, our customers. This award is a testament of your customer satisfaction with us. Thank you for trusting us!
I personally would like to thank the Debt Recoveries Australia team for making this happen. Your efforts on ensuring that every customer gets the help they need has paid off. I am glad that you are my partner in empowering the customer.
Big salute to all of you!
To know more about Australian Achiever Awards, please go to
Debt Recoveries Australia is the expert at recovering your outstanding debts without the drama and with the most paramount care applied to upholding your brand integrity. Our amazing and highly professional team take a friendly, personable and direct approach to recovering your debts in a timely and cost effective manner. More information can be found at or call us on 1300 799 511.