The Customer when agreeing to and providing information to Debt Recoveries Australia for debt recovery hereby agrees to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions:
1. In this Agreement, Debt Recoveries Australia Pty Ltd ABN 75 125 969 375 shall be known as Debt Recoveries Australia and the party completing one or more Online Forms, hereby known as “forms”, shall be known as the Customer.
2. By the act of forwarding one or more forms to Debt Recoveries Australia, the Customer acknowledges they have read and agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
3. The Customer acknowledges that by agreeing to these Terms and Conditions the Customer has provided information that is true and factual at the time of submission.
4. The Customer acknowledges that Debt Recoveries Australia has the right to pass this information to third party companies that have a legal claim to the information.
5. The Customer acknowledges that the submission of this form is an admission of liability for the debt. As such, the Customer agrees to pay this debt.
6. The Customer agrees that Debt Recoveries Australia is not obliged to use any submitted forms in the final decision of the settlement of the debt.
7. The Customer acknowledges that Debt Recoveries Australia is not obliged to acknowledge receipt of any forms submitted. As such it is the Customer’s responsibility to request acknowledgement through legal means.
8. The Customer agrees that Debt Recoveries Australia can use any and all information provided in any submitted forms in the process of recovery.
9. The Customer acknowledges that Debt Recoveries Australia reserves the right to litigate if the information provided is found to not be true and factual at the time of submission.
10. The Customer acknowledges that by submitting any forms the Customer allows Debt Recoveries Australia to continue their actions to recover the amount owing from the Customer